With more than 400 offices and close to 20,000 employees around the world, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading entity in the field of migration, working closely with governments and migrants.  

As part of the United Nations System, we are committed to ensuring diversity in our workforce. IOM is a place where committed humanitarian professionals from different nationalities and fields work to support safe and orderly migration.  

In Bangladesh, Presler helps save lives with his expertise in drones and mapping. Half a world away, in Colombia, Vanessa plays an important role helping communities reach their potential.  

Presler Jean in Bangladesh 

Vanessa Constain in Colombia

IOM employees like Saba and Maria work directly with migrants. Their work can take place in urban and rural settings, as well as in camp environments.  

Saba Sami Omar in Iraq

Maria Fernanda Becerra in Colombia 

IOM is also present in most capitals around the world, where professionals work in office settings. They work in a wide range of disciplines from research, human resources, logistics, procurement to providing migration management support to governments and direct assistance to migrants. 

Andrea works for IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Center at the heart of Berlin, Germany. In another busy capital, Manila, Philippines, a dynamic team runs IOM’s online communications platforms.   

Andrea Milan GMDAC in Berlin, Germany 

Communications Team in Manila, Philippines 

It is important for IOM to attract, empower and retain qualified women; female staff constitute 47 percent of our workforce. We have in place a fixed salary scale, which means that all staff receive the same salary regardless of their gender, avoiding the pay gaps found in large parts of the global economy. 

In Panama, Idiam gets up every day remembering how her work helps others. Rosilyne, in Costa Rica, recalls the workplace challenges related to sexual orientation and the improvements she has witnessed in the organization over time.  

    Rosilyne Borland in Costa Rica 

Idiam Osorio in Panama

English, French and Spanish are IOM’s official languages, so we are constantly looking for multilingual professionals in different regions.   

As psychologists, drivers, managers, data analysts, aid workers, web developers, and many other roles, each employee brings unique skills and experiences to contribute our work.  

Jamila Hamidou Marafa in Niger

Wilmar Vera in Ecuador

Alba Goycoechea in Uruguay

Do you work for IOM and would like to share your story with the world? Contact communityresponse@iom.int