Ildefonso’s lived experience as a refugee helps him relate to others who have made similar difficult journeys to safety.

When we’re working with migrants who have made difficult journeys, we really have to control our own emotions, and at the same time also empathize with their challenges. Because I came to the Dominican Republic as a refugee from Honduras myself, I really can put myself in the shoes of the hundreds of migrants that come through the Dajabón border.  

They trust us with their lives, their personal stories and sensitive information about themselves, and we need to honor their trust with hard work and a commitment to help them. We need to be able to comfort those who are struggling and provide hope to those who are feeling vulnerable.  

No matter what time it is, whatever the situation, the place does not matter; I think the most important thing is to do our best and serve those in need. 

Ildefonso Cruz Georges

I truly believe we were all born to serve one another: no matter what time it is, whatever the situation, the place does not matter; I think the most important thing is to do our best and serve those in need.

The highlight of my work with IOM is knowing that someone I have helped leaves with a smile. Seeing the smiling face of an old man, a young girl, or anyone else that walks through our doors, is the greatest reward. No amount of money can compare.  

Not all heroes wear capes. Ildefonso helps migrants on their journey to find safety.   

Ildefonso Cruz Georges is one of thousands of IOM staff working on the frontlines of the world’s crises. On World Humanitarian Day, we pay tribute to the courage, dedication and determination of the real-life heroes who provide relief to millions of people globally.